Songs from EXODUS
1. What do I do – where should I go now --
Can I find a way –
Out of the dark – into the sunlight –
Of a brand-new day –
With my God to guide me, I will make it through –
With your hand to hold me,
I will trust in you
So lead me, I’ll follow, Across the lonely desert –
I’ll go where you bring me, I know you are my friend.
2. Where will I go, where will you bring me,
What will you do?
You reveal my journey, I have faith in you –
So lead me, I’ll follow, Through darkness and through storm –
So lead me, my saviour, I will follow you.
GO MOSES The Company
Hebrews Ah—Ahh – Come down Moses we all need you today, come down Moses we all a pleading today,
Oh Moses you the man who gonna do God’s plan, to take us to the Proimoised land.
Girls’ Chorus Wo-oh You gotta go to Egypt you know Wo-oh You gotta go to Egypt you know Oh Moses you’re the man who’s gonna do God’s plan, to take us to the Promis’ Lan’. Wo oh. You gotta go to Egypt you know.
Hebrews and Girls Shoot show doot shoo wa ba doo wap
Girls’ Chorus Wo-oh. You gotta get a-moving you know. Wo-oh. You gotta get a-moving you know. Oh Moses don’t you know that you de one gotta go – to set ‘em free from Pha-aroah.
Go down Moses for they all-a-need you today , Go down Moses they all a-pleading today Oh Moses you the man who’s gonna do God’s plan, to take dem to the Promis’ Lan’.
Hebrews Come down Moses we all a-crying today come down Moses we all a dying today Oh Moses don’t you know that you de one gotta go – to set ‘em free from Pha-aroah.
Jethro – He will guard – he’ll guide -- -- he’ll guard – oh yeah
Moses Cos the Lord is on my side Yes the Lord will guard and guide, I’ll trust Him, yes the Lord is on my side,
Hebrews and Girls Hoo hoo hoo etc, da da da da da da dat
Jethro He will guard – he will guide – he’ll guard -- oh yeah
Moses Yes the Lord is on my side and the Lord will guard and guide, I’ll trudt hHim, all my life I’ll trust Him,
Hebrews and Girls Hoo hoo hoo etc, da da da da da da dat
Hebrews Daba daba daba da
Jethro Go Go Moses A-men, Go go Moses A-men
Girls Go go Moses, yeah man, go go Moses yeah man,
Hebrews – bim bam bom
Jethro Because the Lord told Moses to take it away, ah to be cool, because the Lord told Moses be cool, oh yeah
Girls Because the Lord told Moses to take it away, ah to be cool, because the Lord told Moses be cool, oh yeah-
Hebrews bim bam bom,bim bam bom, a to be cool, a to be cool …
Jethro Wo- oh, you gotta go to Egypt you know.
Girls Wo- oh, you gotta go to Egypt you know
Both Oh Moses you the man who’s gonna do God’s plan, to take dem to the Promis’ Lan’.
Hebrews Da dat, Da dat.
Egyptians Doo doo, doo doo
Jethro – He will hold –secure – he’ll hold (you) – oh yeah
Moses For I know my hope is sure, He will hold me all secure, I’ll trust Him, all my life I’ll trust him
Hebrews and Girls Hoo hoo hoo etc, da da da da da da dat
Egyptians Don’t even think of coming, Don’t trouble Egypt today, We don’t want to see your face, Never ever come this way.
Jethro – He will hold –secure – he’ll hold (you) – oh yeah
Moses For I know my hope is sure, He will hold me all secure, I’ll trust Him, all my life I’ll trust him
Hebrews and Girls Hoo hoo hoo etc, da da da da da da dat
Egyptians Don’t even think of coming, Don’t trouble Egypt today, We don’t want to see your face, Never ever come this way.
Jethro Go Go Moses A-men, Go go Moses A-men
Girls Go go Moses, yeah man, go go Moses yeah man,
Hebrews – Moses come, Moses come
Egyptians Pharoah is great! Pharoah is great!
Jethro and Girls ‘Cos the Lord said Moses Go now
Jethro and Girls Go Moses! Go Moses! MOSES GO!
Egyptians No Moses! No Moses! No!
1. Now Moses came to Pharoah and he made a big request,
“Let my people go, it is really for the best.”
Moses said to Pharoah “will you let us go today?”
Pharoah looked at Moses and he said --
(spoken, by all) “No way!”
Chorus 1. Now the frogs came a-hopping and they hopped in the street
And they hopped on the plates and they hopped on the meat
They hopped on the carpet and they hopped on the bed,
They hopped round Pharoah till Pharoah said --
(spoken, by one child) “Gross!”
Now the flies came a-buzzing and they buzzed in the street
And they buzzed in the morning and they buzzed in the heat
They buzzed in the palace and they buzzed in the shed
They buzzed around Pharoah till Pharoah said --
(spoken, by one child) “Bo—ring!”
Vs 2 Moses said to Pharoah “You should really let us go.
“It is what you’ve got to do for the Lord has told me so.”
Pharoah looked at Moses and he said, “So sad,
Your people want to leave me but it’s just ---
(spoken, by all) Too bad!”
Chorus: Now the gnats came a-biting and they bit in the street
And they bit on the toes and they bit on the feet,
They bit on the nose and they bit on the head
They bit around Pharoah till Pharoah said --
(spoken, by one child) “Too much!”
Now the locusts came a-munching and they munched in the street
And they munched on the dinner and they munched on the sweet,
They munched on the soup and they munched on the bread,
They munched around Pharoah till Pharoah said --
(Pharoah himself shouts out) “ENOUGH!”
Moses: The Lord God has saved us, for He is our salvation
Chorus He saved us to make us a great and holy nation.
Moses (with Jethro and Miriam) So lead me, I’ll follow,
through darkness and through storm
Chorus Lead us, we’ll follow, through thorny way and desert,
Lead us we’ll follow through darkness and through storm.
All: Out of Egypt here we come, sound the trumpet, beat the drum.
Clash the cymbals, raise your voice, singing loudly we rejoice.
Out of bondage, happy day, blessed liberation,
Marching proudly on our way, praising our salvation.
God the Lord is on our side, he is our protector,
He will be our shelter and our shield.
To a better land we go, where the milk and honey flow,
Where the sheep can safely roam, peace for all in our new home.
Clap your hands, forest trees, Mountains dance, stars and seas,
King of Kings you are our God, we’re your chosen people,
We will sing and honour God’s Name .
Lead on lead on Moses, Go on go on Moses,
Bring us to our future promised land! Promised Land!
Promised Land!